Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The opening!

This blog is dedicated to myself. I fear that people around the globe are frantically attempting to sign up for various services in order to obtain the golden wonka ticket of 2004: a email account!

The fear of which I spoke -- up ^^^^^^ there -- is that people are seeking such treasure for the wrong reasons! "I don't want my name taken." "1GB of space! That's a lot of mp3s!" "I'm a consumer whore and want more ads!"

Those reasons are all crap.

The only real reason you should get a gmail account is because you _want_ one. Once you obtain it, you should use it. It's not a name placeholder, or a file trafficker, or a new billboard for your wanton spending pleasures. The only "stres" you put on the system is that of the developers, and the less fortunate people that don't want to suck up and sign up for every little service that could possibly be offering invites.... oh wait.